In the last 90 days, I’ve had 2093 people view my LinkedIn profile.
From those views, I’ve closed four new clients worth more than $30,000 in revenue for our marketing agency, K&J Growth.
Here is how you can do the same with this one message.
1. Follow this link to see who has viewed your profile.

2. I choose who I want to message by reading their headline beneath their names. I select “Message” or “Connect” based on their profile.
3. I then send the following message after the LinkedIn chatbox prompt appears:

4. I have this message saved as a keyboard shortcut, so it takes me less than 10 seconds to paste it into the LinkedIn chat box. Here is how you can set this up for Mac and PC. Here is the script if you want to copy and paste it.

New York Times bestseller Jeffrey Gitomer has said, “Great salespeople are relationship builders who provide value.”
The way to provide value is by asking people how you can help.
Be proactive and reach out.
You never know what you will get back.
We’ve closed over $30,000 in just 90 days using this strategy.
If you’re ready to scale your LinkedIn outreach and turn connections into clients, let’s chat.
Contact us here: K&J Growth
For more insights and tips, connect with us on LinkedIn: K&J Growth
Make sure to check out our Co-founder on LinkedIn too: Kale Panoho