On our road to a million dollars in revenue at Rugby Bricks, we’ve created and published thousands of pieces of content.
Journalists may call us an e-commerce company, but we’re content creators at our core.
We’ve succeeded because we – Peter Breen, have created content that is valuable enough for people to want to engage with us on a deeper level, like buying our kicking tees.
But creating good content is one thing; getting people to see it is another. To maximise our contents reach, we are continually experimenting with ways to play the algorithm games of social platforms.
One such experiment we’ve been running is on TikTok.
They have this unique feature that allows you to reply to comments (on your content) with a video response. And when you do – TikTok will show your reply-to-comment video to everyone who watched the original.
So if, say, your original (the one someone commented on) video got 100,000 views, there’s a good chance your reply-to-comment video will get 80,000 or so.
And the cycle repeats – you can then create a reply-to-comment video for a comment on the 80,000-view video and get another 60,000 views.
Here’s an example.
This video (of Pete’s goal kicking from 100m – worth a watch, BTW) got 170,000 views. Someone said the video was cropped – implying we used editing tricks to make it look like Pete kicked that goal.
Pete replied to that comment with this reply-to-comment video which got 120,000+ views, and for 5 minutes of work, we saw our online store sales double for that day.
Social media is as much guesswork as it is about consistency. Very few people go viral without creating hundreds of pieces of content. Go to our Tik Tok, and you’ll see most videos get 10 – 20,000 views, but every now and then, one pops off with 100,000+.
What we’re doing here is taking maximum advantage of the ones that do hit with these reply videos.
Some creators, like tabs chocolate, are doing this and turning 1x viral videos with a 1,000,000 views into a funnel of reply video’s that get another 5 – 10,000,000 views.
Want to leverage viral content like we do at Rugby Bricks? At K&J Growth, we specialize in creating strategies that help businesses maximize their content’s reach and drive real results. Get in touch today and let’s explore how we can help you amplify your brand.
Contact us here: K&J Growth
For more insights and tips, connect with us on LinkedIn: K&J Growth
Make sure to check out our Co-founder on LinkedIn too: Kale Panoho