How We Got An Intro Into NZ’s Biggest Sports Retailer

Our e-commerce company, Rugby Bricks, has been trying to get into a big box retailer (Rebel Sport) in Aotearoa for a while.

We’ve not had any replies to our attempts, but we knew one of the metrics retailers assess is web traffic.

We could wait and hope people were visiting the retailer’s site asking for our product, or we could act and send people there.

We ran the maths and decided that if we gave away a free tee with free shipping ($19 cost to us) to the first 50 people who searched and asked for Rugby Bricks on the Rebel Sport store this ~ $1000 investment might be enough to get us noticed by their buyers.


Here is how we sent over 290+ people to our target retailer in under 48 hours.

1. We created a list of our best customers (400+ in total) – these were people who had purchased 3 or more times from Rugby Bricks in the last year.

We then broadened this to all NZ readers. 

2. We then created a how to video on YouTube showing people how to search and ask for Rugby Bricks on the Rebel Sport site

3. We created a Typeform that asked people to upload a screenshot of their submission, their physical address and email

4. We sent this email out to the list


5. The Typeform captured those who did it in chronological order, and we shipped them their free tees

We’ve now spoken with the buyer at Rebel Sport.


We’ll let you know how the negotiations go in a future email.

Notes: A full preface – we understand that not everyone has an audience the size of our company, but today’s tactic is to illustrate how to approach problems from different angles.

Most success comes from doing something cheaper or more efficiently than your competitors.

We had an offer to enter Rebel Sport with an agent who would take 8% of the entire revenue of the deal (more than $30,000 in total).

We found a way to get in for less than $1,000.

Just because one door is closed does not mean another can’t be opened.

Want Help Crafting Your Own Winning Marketing Strategy?

What we did with Rebel Sport was all about smart moves, not big budgets. If you’re ready to scale your business with creative strategies, 

let’s chat.

Contact us here: K&J Growth

For more insights and tips, connect with us on LinkedIn: K&J Growth

Make sure to check out our Co-founder on LinkedIn too: Kale Panoho

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